Friday, September 16, 2011


进入 Unit Khidmat Komuniti, 我自认并没有百分百的投入,其实最后一天我也很想跟组员们说声不好意思 ,实在是因为个人没有太大的 帮忙~!

winston baby~!!! 不要看腻我啦~

i miss her , my gal ~

most popular senior among gals

drinks~! i like soya n chrysanthemum~

tis year juniors~! short form = babies

tired post mortem~ dun knw y they all so long gas~
he is quite handsome...

my cute cute ketua fasi.. n look it is 1 m distance

we'r the best ^^

i will miss all of u especially the 2 who alwayz my roomates

As conclude, i learn a lot of things oso, having fun, getting more frens n mayb getting famous as well (SS) ~ 

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