Friday, July 13, 2012

tired day~

i'm lazy & tired..long time no work makes me bcum lazy dy.. stil thinking of hw to find a job on i juz skip it n bcum 'liang ti guan ' at home?
nw all the workers are from 93-94, all small didi & meimei ,they makes me feel old & childish at the same time.. haha, or should i said i'm young?
after the muz do in korea, i stil hav a long list of muz buy on my hand.. omg, bangkrupt~
god, cn u pls giv me a rain of money??stil planning to go korea next time, nid money urgently, nw stil dreaming myself there..stupid ><

my mens are too sexy..haiz, version B cover... ><

thanks for the 1 who love me & i love =)

p/s: stay tunned for day 5 in korea..
      thinking of going big bang concert ~

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